The Anarchist Days Leipzig will be running from April 25th until the 1st. of May. And one of those days, the action will be centered in the Alt-West Leipzig, mostly in Leutzsch.
The Anarchist Days in Leipzig are covering many different topics. Check the website to find something interesting for you. During the weekend will be a Park Fest and a Demo on the 1st. of May.
Members from tribu.x are working hard to make a great day for all of us and contribute to having a nice Anarchist Days in Leipzig. You are very welcome to participate, anarchism is for all those who are willing for a society without domination.
Bellow is the Program for the A-Day in Leutzsch. All the info (and updates) is also available here:
15:00: Stadtrundgang / Walking Tour
We want to visit together some places in Leipzig Lindenau/ Leutzsch and keep alive the memory of the anti-fascist resistance.
Meeting point Enderstr. 2/ corner Schadowstr. at 3 pm. Concludes at the Wasserschloß Park
17:00: Varieté show
Small but great Circus and music show. For more art and culture in our everyday life. Let’s bring the fun back to the streets!!
Starts at 5pm. Wasserschloß Park (Leutzsch)
18:00: KüFA: Syrisches Essen
Maklube (fried eggplant cooked together with rice) served with taboule salad (parsley, tomato, cucumber, lettuce and lemon).
19:00: Talk
Popular Assemblies in Chile during the revolt. Collective reflections from the AAA ( self-organized anarchist assembly of Valparaiso).
A comrade from the Chilean region will talk about the history of the AAA, the inspiration for the popular revolt, as well as its organization and projection. The AAA is one of the many that arose throughout the territory in the context of the revolt.
From 21:00: Bar
– Money raised will go to pay for the costs of the event and No Border Team Poland.
– Make a Corona test before the event – we all take care of each other!