Covid & Repression (Griechenland)

we invite you on 27.05.2022 at 19:00 to an event /discussion in the Meute (Zollschuppenstraße 1).
A friend from the A-Feminist group “Salomé” (Athens) will report on the situation in Greece, the reflections of their group and how to deal with the experienced repression.
(We ask you to take a test before the event and wear a mask depending on the need/number of participants*).

The covid pandemic caught us all off guard. We did not know how to deal with a global health crisis and especially how to deal with the overall governmental coping measures associated with it. Coping with this crisis has involved repressive measures. These have, in different ways, undermined supposed rights or even the previous gains of the struggle. The different movements and struggles initially fell into recession, but later there were flashpoints in which the struggle revived. The conflict over the pandemic not only remained in the broader social spectrum but also penetrated into the different circles of the movement. Once again, FLINTA* and children were disproportionately harder hit by the measures due to the distribution of care work that prevails in patriarchy and domestic violence perpetrated largely by men. Therefore, in this event, we want to call you to share experiences and concerns about upcoming crises. Let’s discuss different points of view that have been expressed and advocated during the pandemic. How and with what tools can we assess this and similar situations? How can we lay the groundwork to be able to assess similar situations in the future and find a collective way to deal with them?

We are looking forward to the discussion with you!

Anarchistische Graswurzelinitiative Tribu.X aus eurer Nachbarschaft

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