18 hrs. KüfA AmEnde
19:30 hrs. Input #H5 case
The humanitarian crisis connected to the expansion of the eastern migration routes at the poland-belarus border persists since 2021. Thousands of people coming from Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Somalia and many more attempting to cross the borders of Fortress Europe through Poland in search for a better life for themselves and their families were caught in a trap set by the belarusian regime.
The polish government responded to these developments with the politics of violence and pushbacks as the local population and grassroots networks of organisations, individual persons and collective efforts became the only real line of delivering humanitarian aid. From the very beginning of the growing crisis, these groups faced criminalisation of their efforts to bring aid to those
in need.
Now five of them are supposed for face the courts with serious criminal charges for providing humanitarian aid on the Polish-Balarus border. They face up to 5 years in prison!
20 hrs. Film: Green Border
Green Border (Zielona granica – 2023) dramatizes the plight of migrants caught in the Belarus–European Union border crisis.
Date: Wednesday 18th, December
Time: KüfA from 18 hrs; Film 20 hrs.
Location: AmEnde. (Georg-Schwarz-Str. 178, Leutzsch)