Come to the (A) Wild West – fest am Wasserschloß Park!

Hello dear neighbors and friends,

on April 26th we invite you to a small party in the Wasserschloss Park (behind the town hall Leutzsch).
The party is part of the program of the anarchist days in Leipzig. We want to be visible with anarchist ideas in the west of Leipzig, because we think that anti-authoritarian ideas contain good strategies, which enable us to develop answers to the problems of our time. It is important to us to offer cultural and political content, so we tried to put together a colorful program There will be content contributions on the current situation of the Karl Helga Wagenplatz- which is threatened with eviction, on the situation at the Polish/Belarusian border, and on the “mega” project Tren Maya.
There will be live music for our ears, from singer/songwriter to oculist punk to rap.
There will be a variety / circus show to marvel at.
For children from 8 years on, there will be the offer to create a newspaper together.
There will also be information booths, food stalls, etc. to enable you to provide yourself with different kinds of food for free and/or for a donation towards expenses.

Your anarchist neighborhood collective Tribu.X

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